Today I decided to add blood sugars to my data collection. I will try to do a fasting blood sugar every day at noon prior to breaking my fast. Today my blood sugar was 143. My doctors have been telling me for years that I am pre-diabetic and need to lose weight and follow a healthier diet. None of them recommended I see a dietitian or get a glucometer to monitor my blood sugar though. They said we would just keep an eye it with my yearly labs. I requested to see a dietitian last fall and she got an order for the glucometer. I used it off and on, but never consistently.
I decided to walk a paved trail in another local park, Crow Creek Park. I put this off until afternoon. Actually I was going to blow it off, but hauled my butt out there and got it done. This trail was different. It had hills and the only bench to rest on was at the turn around point. It was hot and humid with no breeze. I thought I was going to die!! I made it 0.6 miles which was good with my distance. This trail is definitely an early morning trail after I get some stamina built up.